Climate Change: Balancing Invitation and Challenge for Effective Discipleship
Over the past few years, I have been made aware of how various climates have effected my growth as a disciple. I should probably make it clear that when I mention "climates", I'm speaking about much more than weather conditions. When I use the word "climate" I'm referring to the feel of the particular relationships we are connected to, whether they be churches, small groups, missional communities, or simply our everyday relationships.
In the book "Building A Discipleship Culture", Mike Breen talks about the kind of climate Jesus created for his disciples to thrive in. It was a climate that was made up of both invitation and challenge. When we speak of Invitation, we are referring to giving someone access to your life. Jesus extended the invitation for each of his disciples to "come follow me". This is important because Jesus didn't simply say to them listen to me, but rather listen to me and watch my life. Effective discipleship always involves inviting another to have access into your life. However, Jesus didn't just stop with the invitation. He balanced his invitation with challenge. He challenged them to grow and develop into the type of people who could display his character and do the things he did. In the matrix below, we can see the various climates that are created when we rightly balance Invitation and challenge versus emphasizing one over the other. A climate that is all invitation with little challenge creates a cozy feeling. A cozy climate is all about hanging out. An environment without challenge or invitation creates a boring feeling. When one is in a High Challenge environment with little invitation, it creates a stressful climate. In a stressful climate one is often asked to "try harder" and "do more". This type of discipleship becomes oppressive and a huge burden. However Jesus created a climate that empowered his disciples to grow. Jesus offered those of his day this invitation and challenge: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.””(Matthew 11:27–30 ESV)
Which climate have you experienced the most? What kind of climate do you create? By nature do you find yourself to be more invitation or more challenge? Who are the people in your life that you have seen model this well?