As apprentices unto Jesus we are called to live out our faith in the particular context in which we find ourselves. If we examine closely the life of St. Paul, we will see in him quite a remarkable example of one who was adept at navigating various contexts. While it is true that as disciples there are things that are normative for us whether we live in a urban, suburban, or a rural context, we must all acknowledge that that each of those contexts present different challenges to wrestle with. In the lives of many young adults one context that has it’s own set of unique difficulties to navigate is that of a college or university Campus.
In hopes to inspire, encourage and help young adults in college wrestle with their discipleship, I will be interviewing several students who are learning to live out their faith their particular context. I will post one interview each week. Please feel free to share them with anyone who you know might benefit.
Here is the first interview.