Life After Youth Ministry…..
After 6 yrs of serving our congregation as a Pastor to High School students and their families, I am moving on. Well, I'm not leaving our church, but I am changing roles. I have been given the sacred charge to invest in the young adults of our community and city.
As a Youth Pastor I've always found graduation time bittersweet. On one hand you got to celebrate the journey of students who didn't think that they would ever survive High School. However, it was painful to see them no longer eligible for youth group and feeling like they no longer had a connecting point at our church. They would often ask "Where doI go?" "What am I going to do?". Now, it was't simply that they didn't connect with our Sunday gathering, but rather they were asking who's going to intentionally engage me as I enter into this new stage of life? After much prayer and conversation with my colleagues, friends and especially my wife, I decided my response should be, "here I am Lord, send me".
So this blog will chronicle my journey into young adult ministry. Now I must warn you, I am not after the latest flash bang, that has never been my style. What I am after, is what Jesus invited us into, disciple-making. I want to launch a movement, and I want to see the Kingdom of God expanded. Stay tuned!